Friday, January 28, 2011

Community garden ... in my "backyard"

I've been loving my raised bed in the community garden over in Palm Desert. Plenty of posts here are testament to that.

But the stars have aligned, all my ducks are in a row, the ink has dried, the dishes are done ... and there will soon be a 5-by-10-foot raised bed about 20 feet from my back patio door. Just in time for end-of-January planting.

Long ago (last August), at a homeowners association board meeting I asked if the HOA could spare a small space for residents to grow things. The board told me to gather some other interested folks and come back later. I posted a few notices and sat by my computer waiting for the excited emails to come pouring in.

And ... I heard from one guy who wanted to build the garden with me. Better than zero! But then right about that time I got into the Palm Desert garden, so starting a my own community garden from scratch quickly lost its appeal.

Fast-forward to this month when I happened to attend another board meeting, just to see if they were still considering letting me do build the garden.

Surprise! Before I could really say anything, the board voted to let me try a test garden right by my home. Here is what it looks like now:

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